Visar nu: Iran - Postfrimärken (1868 - 2024) - 83 frimärken.
4. januari WM: Inga Perforering: 13½ x 13¼
![[Martyrs, Typ CZU]](
8. januari WM: Inga Perforering: 13½ x 13¼
![[Martyrs, Typ CZV]](
12. februari WM: Inga Perforering: 13¼ x 13
![[The 13th Anniversary of the Islamic Revolution, Typ CZX]](
20. februari WM: Inga Perforering: 13¼ x 13½
![[ECO Summit - Tehran, Typ CZY]](
16. mars WM: Inga Perforering: 13½ x 13¼
![[Famous People - Ajatollah Khomeini, 1900-1989, Typ CZZ]](
![[Famous People - Ajatollah Khomeini, 1900-1989, Typ DAA]](
23. mars WM: Inga Perforering: 13½ x 13¼
![[World Meteorological Day, Typ DAB]](
25. mars WM: Inga Perforering: 13½ x 13¼
![[Mosques - South West Asian Postal Union, Typ DAC]](
![[Mosques - South West Asian Postal Union, Typ DAD]](
![[Mosques - South West Asian Postal Union, Typ DAE]](
27. mars WM: Inga Perforering: 13¼ x 13½
![[Jerusalem Day, Typ DAF]](
1. april WM: Inga Perforering: 13¼ x 13½
![[Mosques, Typ DAG]](
![[Mosques, Typ DAH]](
1. april WM: Inga Perforering: 13¼ x 13½
![[Iranian Postal Airline, Typ DAI]](
1. april WM: Inga Perforering: 13½ x 13¼
![[The 13th Anniversary of the Islamic Republic, Typ DAJ]](
16. april WM: Inga Perforering: 13½ x 13¼
![[Nature Preservation Week, Typ DAK]](
17. april WM: Inga Perforering: 13¼ x 13½
![[International Museum Day, Typ DBI]](
![[International Museum Day, Typ DBJ]](
18. april WM: Inga Perforering: 13½ x 13
![[New Year - Flowers, Typ DAO]](
25. april WM: Inga Perforering: 13½ x 13¼
![[Economic Cooperation Organization, Typ DAP]](
17. maj WM: Inga Perforering: 13 x 13¼
![[World Telecommunication Day, Typ DAU]](
17. maj WM: Inga Perforering: 13¼
![[Iranian Artists, Typ DAV]](
![[Iranian Artists, Typ DAW]](
![[Iranian Artists, Typ DAX]](
![[Iranian Artists, Typ DAY]](
21. maj WM: Inga Perforering: 13
![[F.A.O. Regional Conference, Typ DAZ]](
25. maj WM: Inga Perforering: 13¼ x 13
![[International Conference on Surveying and Carthography, Typ DBA]](
30. maj WM: Inga Perforering: 13½ x 13¼
![[The 2nd Anniversary of the Unification of Yemen, Typ DBB]](
2. juni WM: Inga Perforering: 13¼ x 13½
![[World Child Day, Typ DBC]](
4. juni WM: Inga Perforering: 13¼ x 13
![[The 3rd Anniversary of the Death of Ajatollah Khomeini, 1900-1989, Typ DBD]](
17. juni WM: Inga Perforering: 13½ x 13¼
![[International Conference on Engineering, Typ DBE]](
21. juni WM: Inga Perforering: 13¼ x 13½
![[The 6th Conference of the Non-Aligned News Agencies, Typ DBF]](
23. juni WM: Inga Perforering: 13 x 13¼
![[Ministerial Meeting of the ESCAP - Economis and Social Commission of the Asia-Pacific, Typ DBG]](
26. juni WM: Inga Perforering: 13½ x 13¼
![[International Day against Drug Abuse and Trafficking, Typ DBH]](
27. juli WM: Inga Perforering: 13½ x 13¼
![[Praying, Typ DBK]](
![[Praying, Typ DBL]](
![[Praying, Typ DBM]](
16. augusti WM: Inga Perforering: 13¼ x 13½
![[Praying, Typ DBN]](
![[Praying, Typ DBO]](
24. augusti WM: Inga Perforering: 13¼ x 13½
![[Mar Amin, Typ DBP]](
24. augusti WM: Inga Perforering: 13½ x 13¼
![[Ka'ba - Mecca, Typ DBQ]](
24. augusti WM: Inga Perforering: 13¼ x 13½
![[The 25th Anniversary of the Iranian Merchant Fleet, Typ DBR]](
15. september WM: Inga Perforering: 13½ x 13¼
![[Islamic Unity Week, Typ DBS]](
22. september WM: Inga Perforering: 13½ x 13¼
![[Defence Week - The 12th Anniversary of the Beginning of the Iran-Iraq War, Typ DBU]](
![[Defence Week - The 12th Anniversary of the Beginning of the Iran-Iraq War, Typ DBT]](
23. september WM: Inga Perforering: 13¼ x 13½
![[International Congress of the History of Medicine in the Islamic World, Typ DBV]](
![[International Congress of the History of Medicine in the Islamic World, Typ DBW]](
26. september WM: Inga Perforering: 13¼ x 13½
![[The 1st Anniversary of the Commissioning of the Steel Mill Mobarakeh, Typ DCC]](
27. september WM: Inga Perforering: 13¼ x 13½
![[World Tourism Day, Typ DBX]](
![[World Tourism Day, Typ DBY]](
![[World Tourism Day, Typ DBZ]](
![[World Tourism Day, Typ DCA]](
oktober WM: Inga Perforering: 13¼ x 13½
![[Mosques, Typ DCD]](
2. oktober WM: Inga Perforering: 13½ x 13¼
![[International Trade Fair - Tehran, Typ DCE]](
9. oktober WM: Inga Perforering: 13¼ x 13½
![[World Post Day, Typ DCF]](
16. oktober WM: Inga Perforering: 13¼ x 13
![[World Food Day, Typ DCG]](
23. oktober WM: Inga Perforering: 13½ x 13¼
![[International Photo Contest for Children, Typ DCH]](
4. november WM: Inga Perforering: 13½ x 13¼
![[Solidarity with the Muslims of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Typ DCI]](
4. november WM: Inga Perforering: 13 x 13¼
![[Anniversaries, Typ DCL]](
10. november WM: Inga Perforering: 13½ x 13¼
![[The 17th Annual Meeting of the Islamic Development Bank, Typ DCM]](
21. november WM: Inga Perforering: 13¼ x 13½
![[Cooperation with Azerbaijan, Typ DCN]](
21. november WM: Inga Perforering: 13½ x 13¼
![[The 10th Anniversary of the Free Islamic University, Typ DCP]](
26. november WM: Inga Perforering: 13¼ x 13½
![[Week of Basij, Typ DCO]](
1. december WM: Inga Perforering: 13¼ x 13½
![[Congress on the Work of Mohammad Hossein Shahriyar, 1906-1988, Typ DCQ]](
15. december WM: Inga Perforering: 13 x 13¼
![[Women's Day, Typ DCR]](
18. december WM: Inga Perforering: 13¼ x 13½
![[Writers & Scholars, Typ DCY]](
22. december WM: Inga Perforering: 13¼ x 13½
![[National Drilling Company, Typ DCS]](
![[National Drilling Company, Typ DCT]](
29. december WM: Inga Perforering: 13½ x 13¼
![[Campaign against Illiteracy, Typ DCU]](